Welcome!It's Year Three already... Welcome to my lovingly tended and occasionally updated Pixel Pile. This unique collection of electrons is full of all sorts of interesting, rare, and esoteric stuff- thoughts and ideas and observations gathered during my many years and incarnations on this planet. For some, what is written here may just be 'words, words, words', but for others- maybe even you!- there will be found all sorts of little jewels and bytes of brain food for your mind and soul to enjoy and savor. You can start anywhere you want- there is no particular order of browsing House Sunfell. And there are no accidents, either. The work on this site is all original copyrighted material, unless otherwise specified. It is the writing of one person, with a unique outlook on life. This website is always 'under construction'- meaning that I will add new things as they are written. So, please bookmark this website, and come back often. You will notice that there are no annoying popup or banner ads here (or music, spinning doodles, or other amateur annoyances). But you will find a few things here and there to click on, which directly benefit me and this site- particularly the Amazon links in the Library. Also, I might add things that lead 'offsite' that will be of benefit to you. Check them out- I have! I hope that you enjoy your visit here, and come again soon. Pax Et Lux -Sunfell- March 2003 The Garden: Musings on life, quirks of American Culture, and other interesting and amusing things. The Temple: Essays on Metaphysics, Magick and Esoteric subjects. The Library: Books, Music, Links to other places, and a little about me. The Indigo Files: A personal experience of the Indigo phenomenon. September Memories: Thoughts, memorials, poems and stories. The Sunfell Forum: My boards for Guestbook and Essay discussions. What’s New? Jump to the latest additions to this site. Updated regularly. Contact Sunfell: This site is a Work In Progress. Please return often to enjoy what I have added. This Site was Updated on: 03/30/03 All elements of this website, including the essays, Graphic Design, Look and Feel are Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 by Lorie A. Johnson. Written permission MUST be given to mirror my work in any form. Yes, that means YOU. Want your own website? Check out DrakNet- they're the best!