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Welcome To The Sanctum

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Enter in reverent silence.  Approach the Altar and light a stick of incense.  Spend a moment in quiet contemplation. Listen for the Still, Small Voice Within...


We invoke the One

whose body is the cosmos, which we share in our bodies; and whose mind is the software behind the existential appearance of reality, and in which mind we participate in our thinking;

and whose presence is continually lying in wait in our being, and yet who outstrips any concept that we can possibly construct.

And we invoke all those beings who have attained a level of realization that inspires us and helps us to validate our being and fulfil the purpose of our life.

zeman1, Beliefnet

Here are some prayers, meditations and simple rituals to weave into your daily life.

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Rite of Gratitude

The Eclectic Redes

Starhawk's Charge of the Star Goddess

The Initiate's Gateway Prayer

The Great Invocation

The Seven Hermetic Principles

The Silent Supper

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