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Some Guidance from an Elder Indigo

Note: The italics are from a synopsis written by Pamala Oslie from her Auracolors Website. Quotes are used with permission.

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"At this writing, most of the Indigos are children, although there are a few Indigos who came as forerunners years ago."

I am one of them- an Alpha generation Indigo, born in 1960. Because I really had no peer group, my childhood was not very pleasant. But the incoming group of Delta and Omega generations needed some Elders to show them that they can survive and thrive, and my own survival and success should give them encouragement. I am writing this to tell Indigo youngsters (and Indigos of all ages) that it does get better- to be patient, and there are Indigo adults around to help. Consider us the ‘forward scouts’ who arrived early to report on the ‘local conditions’ and cheer the youngsters on, as well as guide and counsel them.

"The words used to describe Indigos include honest, aware, highly intuitive, psychic, independent, fearless, strong-willed, and sensitive. Indigos are old souls who know who they are and where they've come from."

Being an Old Soul in a youth-oriented world is difficult, to put it lightly. Parents expect their kids to behave like kids, and when they do not, this frightens them. Precocious children can be real challenging to parents expecting a ‘tabula rasa’- a child who should be a ‘blank slate’, ready for the parents to etch their personal values and traditions upon them. When an Old Soul, complete with accessible memories, experience, and morals and values built up over hundreds of thousands of years arrives instead, many parents react like they’ve got a Changeling in their midst. In some ways, they do. But an Indigo youngster needs love and care just like ‘normal’ kids do- and a whole lot more patience and understanding. We are not being deliberately willful and difficult; it’s just that we wish that our bodies matured faster. You’ll hear a lot of "But when(s)?" and "Why?" from Indigo kids.

Some parents react by being in fearful awe of their child, and letting him or her walk all over them. Don’t. Others react by drugging them, or plying them with the cultural drugs of TV and videogames. Both approaches guarantee failure to thrive, and even survive in this culture. The soul might be old, but it is still subject to the animal impulses of the untamed young body. Gentle, but firm discipline is required, and the understanding that the child is still a ‘minor’ must be introduced and lovingly enforced. This was how I was raised. I remember, from the tender age of about 8 or 9, champing at the bit to be ‘old enough’ to do my own things, buy my own books, take myself places, and be free of the restrictions of the parental household. But parents, while we are in your care, and until all the proper cognitive connections are made biologically, and imprinted socially, you must set firm boundaries for us. We need them. We have the potentially lethal combination of ancient memories, and unfinished, impulsive young minds. You are the safety guard. The suicide impulse is high in teen Indigos, and many of my own peer group was lost because of lack of understanding of our needs. I suffered from it, too. Somehow, I made it. Yes, this sounds scary, but consider it a prudent warning. We’ll impulsively ‘punch out’ if our impatient immature minds cannot yet grasp the big picture. Again, you are the safety guard. Love us, listen to us, give us limits, and treat us like people we will become, not the impulsive brats we sometimes seem to be. And please, answer our questions honestly- we’ll ask thousands.

Indigos of all ages are frustrated by the shallowness of society at large, because they like to dig deeply into things that interest them. If TLC or the Discovery channel runs an in-depth series of documentaries on a subject the Indigo is interested in, they are in hog heaven. But heaven forbid if the subject is superficially approached or lightly referred to, because Indigos want to know EVERYTHING, and RIGHT NOW. (And I say, thank God and the Cold War for the Internet.)

All Indigos are aware that they are very different from the rest of the people in this world. Depending on the influences around them, this can be positive or negative. Positively influenced Indigos can grow their gifts more easily in an encouraging atmosphere. Negatively encouraged Indigos have more of a battle, which can result in a heavy build up of pent up rage. This rage has to be adequately discharged and grounded in order for the Indigo to get in touch with his or her innate gifts.

Loud noise and excessive visual stimuli can be very taxing on our sensitive bodies, and we can react in negative ways, especially as youngsters. Things today are much louder and brighter and flashier than when I was a child, and just going out to do my normal shopping can be almost physically painful for me, even with my shields. To an unshielded Indigo child, this racket can be agonizing, and meltdowns can be the result. (I want to scream right along with an over-stimulated child, sometimes.) Much of this noise and flash is the result of several decades of close psychological observation by advertisers of kids and what stimulates them. They deliberately design consumer items that whip the poor kids into a "Gimme!" frenzy by bombarding them with colors and sounds, and placing these things on the level of the targeted kids’ eyes. These advertisers know all your kid’s hot buttons, and press them relentlessly. Do them a favor and keep the stereo turned down, the TV turned off, and loud colors to a minimum. Take them to the park instead of to the bright and noisy store or theater or restaurant Make sure that your Indigo youngster has a quiet and pretty place to daydream undisturbed. They will thank you later.

Many older Indigos, including myself, have battled with depression, and this may plague some younger Indigos as well. This depression is usually in the form of Seasonal Affective Disorder, rather than the chemical imbalance sort of depression. All Indigo generations are very sensitive to light, and need lots of full spectrum light in order to function at their highest level. Sunshine is good, too, but take care to protect your skin with sunscreen.

Simple, wholesome food is best for Indigo bodies. The simpler and closer to the original form the food is, the better it is for their growing bodies. Heavily processed manufactured ‘made’ foods like processed cheese and meats and convenience foods are not good for their well being, nor are fast foods. Home cooking is good for the body and soul, and cultivates patience and understanding of working order. The proper preparation of food, to include the infusion of the Blessing vibrations, is essential. If it is possible to cultivate a vegetable garden, no matter how small, do so, especially if your Indigo is a youngster. This will instill within them the understanding and reverence for food from seed to feed.

Indigos like to make up their own rules and systems as they go along. They have an innate feel for the natural order of things, but to many people this ‘order’ looks a heck of a lot like total chaos. Perhaps it is in some way, but to the Indigo creating this system, it is holographic, and makes perfect sense to them. Indigos aren’t deliberately messy and cluttered, but they really dislike having to disassemble carefully created stacks of items or put away materials that they may need in the construction of their ideas and projects.

Indigos of all ages are also great multi-taskers. This may be mistaken for attention deficit, because to the observer, it appears that the Indigo begins many things, and then bounces randomly from one thing to another, leaving them unfinished. But if you look at it from a holographic point of view, you will see that all of these little projects are related in sometimes extremely obscure ways, and that all of them are thought objects and experiments in some line of inquiry the Indigo is exploring. When the thought or project is concluded, and the inquiry answered to the Indigo’s satisfaction, all the components will be complete to the point where their usefulness and contribution to the whole ends. It is a whole new way of thinking- we tend to think in lightning bolts and bursts.

When Indigo kids are ready, they, like me, will want to fly the coop at the first opportunity. I bailed at 19, and never looked back. I still love my family, but I must be independent. Do not let this sadden you, parents- it is simply that waiting 18 years to do things we were born knowing had to be done can be chafing. Please be patient with our impatience, and understanding when we make the inevitable errors. Make sure that you teach your kids basic life skills like cooking, housekeeping, car maintenance, budgeting, and financial management. That last is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT in this debt-ridden society. I cannot emphasize this enough. If your own financial habits are poor, then hire a professional to teach this to your kids. It is the best gift you can give them.

This may surprise you, but many Indigos may eschew or quit college and either go straight into the workforce, or go to vocational school. Don’t let this bother you- we’ve been there, and done that enough to see that the Emperor of Education is stark naked. Many of us, myself included, will become self-taught, skillful researchers and library-divers. When our mature gifts come on line, there will be nothing unknown to us. We will have the ability to literally pull what we need to know out of the air. We follow our own threads of learning, and often know more about certain subjects than so-called experts. And why pay thousands of dollars to learn stuff that you can dig up in a library or on the Web for free? Make sure that your kid can read and write coherently, though- illiterates will not fare well in this century. Don’t whine at them about the ‘opportunities we’ll miss’ or the ‘money we won’t make’. We know what the price of those opportunities is, and have no desire to sell our souls to some faceless corporation just to have a comfier gilded cage. Many of us will be ‘anti’ consumers, turning our noses up at the ‘magpie mentality’ of the consumer culture. (Magpies love collecting lots of pretty, shiny things.)

Most Indigos will distinguish between their vocation (calling to Mission) and their profession- their career. Many will find some sort of way to combine the two, and will be very frustrated until they can successfully do so. When they do, it will seem as if life is on rails, it runs so smoothly, and "work" will be physical stuff, like raking leaves or hauling firewood. They probably will deign to work for someone else, but on their terms, and will quickly vote with their feet if things turn sour for them. "Retirement" is a myth to them- they innately understand that they will always have some sort of profession, but they do disdain having to ‘grub’ for money.

Older Indigos have an inherent distaste for big government and interfering systems, and quietly long for true independence from ‘systems’ like the economy, money, and salaried work. But they also have the common sense and intelligence to make these systems work for them, and understand that overt street protesting, violence and anarchy are not the way to go. Some will even hold their noses and involve themselves personally in these systems, using their Mission instincts to quietly change them for the better from within.

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"Some consider Indigos to be bizarre. These assertive individuals are born with their spiritual memories intact. Many parents report that their Indigo children regale them with vivid details of past lives or recent encounters with spiritual beings."

All Indigos have clear memories of past lives (although we don’t think of them as ‘past’), sometimes bringing confusion to us as youngsters. If our physical appearance or gender is different, we may remark upon it or even complain about it until our identity settles in at our seventh year. I was born a blonde, blue-eyed Nordic female, but always saw a stranger in the mirror as a child, because ‘my’ hair was supposed to be black and straight, my skin brown, and I was supposed to be a boy! ("That’s not me!" I don’t look like that!" I used to say, to my mother’s bewilderment.) It took me a while to get used to my appearance, gender, and its limitations. I am comfortable with myself, now. Even so, some Indigos cling so tightly to their ‘old’ identity that they may suffer from gender dissonance, and may even get their gender changed.

Indigo kids may make odd remarks about their toys, and how ‘real’ toys aren’t plastic, but are wood, metal, glass, or even stone. We tend to prefer toys that stimulate thinking and creativity over toys that play themselves. And we love puzzles of all sorts.

Indigos are generally not phobic sorts, even as youngsters. They can be frightened, but generally do not believe in monsters, ghosts, or devils, even if the household belief system encourages these beliefs. Insects and snakes generally do not frighten them.

All Indigos develop a nose for synchronicity and serendipity, and permit ourselves to be used by our Higher Selves as ‘tools’ of chance, to join a conversation here, a newsgroup there, read a book elsewhere, run into an article later. We are constantly stringing metaphysical beads in our minds, and marveling at the glorious chain of events we are creating with them. We grow to love cooperating with the Cosmic in this manner, and when we’ve been permitted to act as a tool for Spirit, we are thrilled and humbly grateful to be of service.

Look for some great metaphysical books and archaeological discoveries in the next decade or three. Those of us who are obsessed about our past lives enough to put up with academia will go digging in places that ‘experts’ will laugh at. Those same ‘experts’ will cry when the cocky undergraduate actually finds something and gets the credit for it. Many ‘rediscoveries’ will be made, and the greater world will learn that mankind has been around for hundreds of thousands of years longer than current theory states. Look for some major rewrites about how long this planet has hosted humanity, and what catastrophes it has suffered. The Earth is a laboratory with a cosmic ‘reset’ button determined by the planet itself. And look for our youngsters finding ‘micro’ evidence that human civilization has existed for far longer than we ever knew. Our scientific techniques and sieves are becoming finer and finer. They will be instrumental in validating these discoveries.

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"Parents also report that these children can read their minds and seem to have amazing psychic abilities."

Many Indigo youngsters may go through a rough adolescence with some paranormal manifestations and extreme mood swings. They may cause poltergeist activity, bend silverware, or interfere with electronics and overload lights. This is not a permanent problem, and when the hormones settle down, so will the outside activity.

Indigo kids can at times exhibit extreme sensitivity to outside influences, getting ‘ill’ or crying at the drop of a hat. When they learn how to shield themselves properly, these problems will cease.

As a general rule, Indigos grow to become pretty stable emotionally. We are not liable to cry at artificial stimuli like movies and such, or get romantically fluffy, or involve ourselves too deeply in others’ problems. We may be accused of being detached or uncaring, but this isn’t true at all- the Indigo simply understands where his or her own life ends and another’s begins. Indigos innately understand that people are responsible for their own lives and actions. We do not suffer fools or deliberately manipulative people gladly. And we can be pretty blunt with our disdain for such people.

What is really interesting is that these abilities will strengthen and new ones reveal themselves as the Indigo ages. Many Indigo psychic abilities are ‘locked away’ until the individual reaches a certain age- usually around age 28 or 29. This is a built-in ‘safety feature’ because the mental maturity to handle these gifts isn’t really complete until the late twenties or early thirties. All Indigos will have an Dark Night/Awakening experience around this time. This coincides with their Saturn’s Return, where their True Mission manifests itself, and they have had enough time and experience as adults to try, test, fine-tune and learn to trust their innate psychic and intuitive abilities. Younger Indigos may be aware of their mission from childhood, but until this period of their life, they may have difficulty staying on course because of their innate curiosity and love of experiment and exploration. The return to the inner mission can be rough. The apparent lateness of this ‘bloom’ or Awakening is due to the longer lifespan of surviving Indigos, but this period is experienced by all people, Indigo or not. Even the early Alpha and Beta generations will live considerably longer than their peers, and will exhibit a youthful appearance well into middle age.

The thirties are a decade of rediscovery and recovery of the extremely high-end psychic abilities, like instant access to the Akashic realms, real time remote viewing, Clear channeling and interaction with inner Guidance, instant assessment of people’s thoughts and intent, deliberate synchronicity (sheer ‘dumb’ luck) simultaneous time-hopping (paralleling) and other intriguing Gifts. The healing gifts uncover themselves in the third decade also. These youngsters will grow up to become formidable healers, should they choose to fine-tune this particular gift. Most of the thirties will be spent discovering and fine tuning these spiritual Gifts. The fun really begins in the early forties, and the high power aspects of the mature Indigo begin to emerge. So, if your kid seems to be brilliant, but scattered slacker, or turns his or her nose up at traditional education and career opportunities, take heart- the mature inner core soul knows how to bide its time, and will do so, although it might be frustrating for you at times. Remember- it is their life, and they chose to return. You were their guardian and teacher.

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"An unusual characteristic of Indigos is that they frequently appear androgynous. It is often difficult to tell if Indigos are male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual. Their sexuality is not their primary concern however; it is their spirituality."

Many Indigos may choose not to marry or have children. This is the trend for the Elders, and will run in the younger ones, too. We can care less about sex. Some older Indigos (myself included) have often wished that we could have come in as a ‘neuter/neutral’ gender so we could do our work free of the sexual harassment (to our eyes, anyway) of the breeding populace. The androgynous appearance of the main working group of youngsters was the response to our request to make this easier on them. We are not interested in reproducing. That is not our purpose here. We are here to facilitate the great planetary changes that are on the horizon. We also have an innate knowledge of how the Wheel of Karma works, and know, as the ancient sages did, that reproducing will only guarantee that we will have to reincarnate again. Many of us volunteered to return for the task at hand, and have no plans to ‘go native’. If you harass us about this, you will be given the cold shoulder. Do not force your Indigo child to date, marry, or pressure them for grandkids. And don’t be alarmed if they ‘try on’ various sexual hats- including gay, bi, and even transsexual. Be content that they are here to pull us through the coming major changes.

Religions both fascinate and repulse all Indigos. They may be raised in a particular faith, but will end up shedding this religious overlay as they grow their own internal wisdom and spiritual discernment. The (re)discovery that the Kingdom of God dwells within them is the catalyst that empowers the Indigo, and has been described as a genuine Awakening moment- akin to the Christian born again experience. Once this gnosis has been achieved, and the Indigo becomes fully conscious, then their innate gifts begin to truly manifest. Unlike most mainstream religious experiences, the personal inner Awakening of the Indigo is a private thing, and is generally not evangelized. People who can discern auras will spot the unmistakable crown flare of the Awakened Indigo, which shines like a beacon in the spiritual realm.

Many Indigos become experts on many religions- dogma and ritual are fascinating to them, and they study them for their use as tools of Awakening. Sometimes they will even join a religious sect for a while, but generally do not stay.

Many social groups and rituals make little sense to Indigos- they see politics and social climbing as Byzantine routes to fleeting and elusive goals. If they see a cause that interests them, they may briefly join a staff or work for that organization until their curiosity is satisfied, then they will drop out.

Indigos are both fascinated and repulsed by rigidly embedded systems- like politics, education, religious and most social systems. They can see the forest from the trees, and, to them, everyone is looking at bark and leaves, and not seeing even the tree, much less the whole forest. They generally avoid getting tangled up in these systems, unless they are sucked in by their curiosity or find that doing so is part of their Mission.

"It's as if Indigos have both the yin and yang, male and female qualities within them."

We resist cultural gender programming. I have been told that I ‘think like a guy’ although I am a woman. If you test your Indigo children for ‘gender’ oriented abilities, you will find that each sex tests just as well in the ‘opposite’ skill sets. So girls will have high spatial and mathematical abilities, and boys will have high linguistic and cognitive abilities. Left-handedness and ambidextrousness will be the norm, rather than the exception. This is because we are not hemispheric and divided in our thinking and mental function. Instead, we are integrated and holographic in our thought processes, and our ambidextrousness is a reflection of that inner function. We go for the simplest and most painless and useful solution to any problem we encounter, even if it seems to ‘go against the grain’ of gender programming. The old left/right, male/female brain paradigms will not fit us- our brains are integrated, and use whichever hemisphere that solves the problem. This may lead to the appearance of gruff arrogance socially, but these rough edges will be polished in time. Indigos do not suffer fools gladly.

I hope that parents of Indigo kids will find this guidance useful, and that any Indigos reading this will find encouragement in these thoughts. Being a late bloomer can be a drag, but the payoff is well worth the wait. Be patient. Let your ancient inner wisdom guide you, not your impulsive young body. There’s hard work for us ahead, but take time to enjoy this life, too. I have. Blessings Be.

م 2001 Sunfell 

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