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Look! More Books!
Welcome to page two of my Library. Ive waded back into my (literal!) stacks to
bring you some more in-depth reading to help you advance on your Path. This list is far
from complete, and reflects only those books I actually own, read and have liked. If your
fave-rave Magickal book isnt in here yet, its probably because I havent
read (or reread) it, or dont actually have it yet- my Amazon wish list is as long as
my arm. (Or its a complete waste of trees, and a whoopie cushion to boot. Yes, there
are plenty of those out there
) If you have title suggestions, please email me. My
address is on my main page. Clicking on the hypertext titles will take you to my own
little Amazon.com store. Every book I sell from there permits me to expand my own library
and bring you recommendations for further study and growth. So, if you like it, please buy
it, and help us both!

The Stacks
Advanced Hermetic Studies
Ceremonial and 21st
Century Magick
Back to Stack One

Advanced Hermetic Studies

The Secret Science
(Hermetic Philosophy, Book One) John Baines The first book in the
Hermetic Philosophy series. An excellent introduction to the process of Awakening to your
True Self. This book "...is addressed to all those who have eyes to see, and ears to
hear, and those who are not in agreement with scientific, philosophical, and social
conventions, and those who sense that 'all is not well' with humanity."

Stellar Man (Hermetic Philosophy, Book Two) John Baines Goes deeper into
the process of evolution and ascension into the Stellar Being through the application of
Hermetic practice and discipline. If you are interested in furthering your Hermetic
Studies, I highly recommend joining the Institute for
Hermetic Science, which is run by the author of these books, Dario Salas, who wrote
these books under the pseudonym of John Baines. I am a student there myself, and
have gotten a lot out of the Postal Associates Course.

The Science of Love
John Baines Examines the differences between True Love, and its corrupt
versions in a Hermetic light. It shatters the usual notions of what love really is, and
introduces the idea of genuine spiritual love as part of the development of the Awakened

Seven Hermetic Letters
Georg Lomer A deep course of instruction that will enable the student to
develop both discipline and cultivate the Higher Self. Variations of these exercises and
instructions have been part of every advanced discipline of Magick I have studied. The
first four letters should be followed closely, and the final three can be utilized as a
philosophy of practice. Since this is a translation from the German, pronunciations of
certain sounds may be different from the English.
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Initiation into
Hermetics Franz Bardon Possibly one of the greatest of the early-mid 20th
Century Hermetic Magicians, Franz Bardon has left us a treasure of philosophy, teaching,
and practice of Hermetic Way of Ceremonial Magic. This is the first book in a collection
of four books, and is an excellent first step in advanced practice. Highly recommended,
along with his other books, Frabato the Magician, The Practice of Magickal Evocation, and
The True Qabalah.
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Teachings of the
Winged Disk Phaedron Another very insightful course of Hermetic Magickal
teachings. This one blends elements of Ancient Egyptian, Gnostic, Qabalistic, Alchemical,
Rosicrucian and Hermetic thought into a coherent and approachable whole; drawing together
these diverse threads into a practice that will benefit all levels of seekers- from
student to Adept. Recommended. May be difficult to find.

Ceremonial and 21st
Century Magick

Modern Magick: Eleven
Lessons in the High Magickal Arts Donald Michael Kraig An excellent primer
and overview of Ceremonial Magick, as well as a year-long series of exercises and
Rites that will teach the student about the general practice of High Magick. Great for the
solitary student, but it is always beneficial for a student to seek out and work with a
group of like-minded practitioners, if possible. Such affiliation isn't necessarily meant
to be permanent, but it does help to introduce the student to the community at large. The
Internet is helpful in many aspects of this, but nothing compares to real time ritual and
social time with a like-minded group.

My Life With the
Spirits Lon Milo Duquette Subtitled "The Adventures of a Modern
Magician", this books is a humorous and at times terrifying romp through the life of
a living Magus. Mr. Duquette's style is fresh, yet deep, and very readable. Hidden in his
writings are profound secrets he learned through his practice of Magick, and encounters
with the various spirits listed in dusty old grimoires. His exploration of various other
Paths is also insightful. This book will either entice you into deeper magickal practice,
or send you screaming away from it. Highly recommended.

The Chicken Qabalah of
Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford Lon Milo Duquette A seriously funny and
in-depth examination of one of the oldest, most difficult (and possibly scariest) Magickal
Systems currently in existence. This book is meant for the lay non-Jewish student who has
been bogged down in the traditional Qabalah books, but still wants to learn about this
mystical system. Rabbi Clifford's typical answer to the many questions posed in the book
begins with, "Hell, no! You're a Chicken Qabalist! Don't worry about it!" And
then goes into some really profound insights. Don't let the short length of this book
bother you- packed into its pages is less waffle and more philosophy than a stack of
traditional books. Highly recommended- as are all of Lon Milo Duquette's books.

Condensed Chaos Phil
Hine An Introduction to Chaos Magick brings together some of the latest cutting edge
scientific and magickal philosophies and blends them together into a coherent whole. It
cuts away from the dogmatic and often pseudo-religious practices of the older forms of
Magick, and brings an element of immediacy and personal experience and experimentation
into the practice. Such practice is not for the newbie or the faint of heart. This is the
seminal volume of a series of books on this subject.

Liber Kaos Peter
J. Carroll A course in training in Chaos Magick with equal emphasis on both theory and
practice of this techno-shamanistic Path.

Liber Null &
Psychonaut Peter J. Carroll A double-volume companion to Liber Kaos,
this book contains the in-depth examination of the philosophy and practice of Chaos Magick
by one of its founding practitioners. Contains both exercises and rituals for the

Peter J. Carroll Subtitled, "Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick",
this third Carroll book goes even deeper into the cutting edge territory of Chaos Magick
and its practice, with insightful (and sometimes shocking) Commentaries on subjects
ranging from Magick to Politics, and even Heresy. Short, witty, and highly recommended.

Maat Magick Nema A
transitional cross- pollination of Thelemic, Hermetic, Shamanistic and even Chaos Magick,
this book teaches that one must transcend the limitations of orthodox dogma, doctrine and
dependence on a priesthood in order to advance along the Path. It will assist in
freeing the seeker from the decaying ties to the Dying God and help transform the seeker
into a Stellar Being. This Path is meant for individual practice, but can be incorporated
into group practice. An excellent post-Crowleyian Thelemic Practice.

This certainly isn't the end of my library- there will be more
goodies headed your way soon- in-depth studies of Christianity, Magick, ancient
civilizations, what-if speculations, feminism, spiritual trends, and other interesting and
enlightening subjects. Stay tuned!
Back to Stack One
Copyright 2002 by Lorie A. Johnson

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