Who Are The Indigo People? Indigo homes are interesting places- often reflecting the owners diverse tastes in books, music, décor, and everything else. We span the spectrum in organizational skills, but the typical Indigo dwelling is a symphony of elegant chaos- often cluttered and packed with books and papers, but not filthy. (Its that learning thing.) Our homes wont make it into decorators magazines, but we know where everything is, and are comfortable with it. This doesnt mean that we dont get clutter fatigue- there is a certain stage of life where accumulation has to give way to dispersal. And there is a great soothing quality in orderly, uncluttered spaces. Make sure that you have at least one uncluttered, nonchaotic space in your home to soothe your eyes and soul. For me, its the bed. It gets made when I get out of it, and I do not allow it to hold any clothes, books, or other clutter. The neat expanse of quilted bedspread is in stark contrast to the business of the rest of the room. I am gradually trying to bring the same serenity to the rest of my home, but it will take time. Older Indigos who have managed to evade the pitfalls of loneliness and isolation often revel in their eccentricities. Their sense of comfort and acceptance of who and what they are makes them attractive to others. They are often popular with their peers, in spite of their need for solitude. Part of it is their ready wit, much of it is their quiet wisdom. When they choose to participate in parties and social events, they often become the center of attention, whether they want to or not. This is because they have a natural charisma that attracts people. Beauty does not enter into this, this charisma is spiritual. They will often attract lost souls who need a catalyst to break out of their delusions, or people on the verge of awakening themselves. Self-actualized Indigos are rarely dogmatic or egotistic- they simply live their lives, answer questions as best they can (payback, perhaps for all the questions they asked as a child) and gently steer seekers towards their own solutions. Indigos dont actively seek glory or status- and prefer to be followers rather than leaders. This isnt because of any lack of ability- they just understand that their real gifts lie elsewhere. They are not afraid to be the dissenter in a group- if they see the truth in something, theyll stick to it, even if others disagree. Hung juries are often the result of one Indigo seeing the Big Picture, while the rest of the jury does not. They also are capable of seeing both sides of an argument, and are often called upon to mediate in disagreements. Yes, we can, and often do, argue with ourselves. We talk to ourselves a lot, too. We intensely dislike conflict. As kids, adult Indigos often distanced themselves from quarreling adults, and ducked out of quarrels with peers. We preferred peace and harmony in our world, but had a hard time figuring out how to obtain it. Our younger generation, lacking that protective layer that insulated us from knowing too much too soon, proactively tries to quell arguments in person, which looks like extreme risk taking to us. But all Indigos, young and old, understand the underlying desire to create harmony, tolerance, compromise, mutual understanding and trust. As our younger generations Big Picture capacity grows as they learn history and culture, they will greatly refine these diplomatic skills so necessary for us to move into the next stage of our evolution. Although it may sometimes seem like Indigos are out of synch with the common culture, this isnt true at all. In fact, they may be more in synch with the genuine reality than most people who are under the spell of popular culture realize. This often eccentric visionary capability of the Indigo is a great gift, for they can truly see the forest from the trees. The difficult part for all Indigos, young and old, is to simultaneously function in two powerful realities at once (the spiritual and the cultural), without losing the thread of either. This is especially difficult for the younger Indigo arrivals, because they lack the protective psychic overlay or protective veil that permitted their elders to gradually assimilate themselves into the local culture and grasp its functions. This lack of a protective wrapper results in a seemingly bratty, often uncontrollable child, one who has difficulty processing the rapid-fire signals that the culture today sends to them. The Indigo child has essentially been tossed into the pool of this life without testing the waters, as the Elders did. Being born old, but still wearing the body of a child is especially galling to the younger Indigos, because the veil for them is not lifted gradually as they mature, as it was for us elders. For them, the veil wasnt there at all. This can be very difficult for their parents. They were expecting a blank slate of a child to write their traditions and expectations upon, and instead get a fully realized, cognizant being with a mind and will of its own- from a very young age. And it can be difficult for the youngsters, who, unshielded, are bombarded with the rapid-fire sensual assault of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. They compensate by speeding themselves up, and dividing their sponge-like attention to detail too finely. The result is a child who pings off the walls, and has the apparent attention span of a gnat. They are learning, but not in the manner expected. All Indigos are knowledge sponges, constantly wanting to know more, and never satisfied with what is offered. (A lot of Indigo elders with financial problems are a direct result of lingering in expensive colleges too long.) The additional fact that Indigos generally do not produce Indigos (if they reproduce at all), only adds more difficulty to an already tough situation. (Older Indigos generally avoid bearing offspring because of memories of their own peer-isolated and often traumatic and lonely childhood. They do not want to put their own children through that particular hell.) Youngsters arriving face two extremes of parenting conditions: Total surrender, lack of proper discipline, and thus the failure to assimilate the child into the culture- drugging the child, or worse; or total old-style dominance, breaking the spirit of the child, again, drugging, abuse, or even early death. It is a tricky path to deal with the cuckoos egg of an Indigo youngster in ones midst; but with the right materials and support, along with the counsel of the Indigo Elders (which I am a part, and am able to pull down), there can be more success than failures. The key is to understand that this is an old soul in a youngsters body, a soul who is struggling with controlling the primitive impulses of a child. Give them room to learn and make mistakes, give them boundaries for their safety, do not blast them with pop-culture noise and flash, and most important of all, answer their questions honestly. The Indigo soul, young or old, is unique to this world. Were not invaders, were advancers. The work that we are here to do is for the benefit of all upon this planet, as well as the planet itself. Ours will be the first generations of humans who will leave the Earth better than we found it. |